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Boardwalk Empire is a period drama done well, adapted from a book of the same name by Nelson Johnson. The series takes place during the 20s and 30s in Atlantic City, New Jersey, amidst the era of Prohibition, when sex, drugs and alcohol went underground, and the cities most senior political figures entertained gangsters in not so secret men's clubs. Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson, played by Steve Buscemi, is a political figure who has risen to prominence in Atlantic City, and has simulatenously slipped into a partnership with racketeers. The corrupt Republican Nucky Thompson's government is powered by funds generated via the underground; gambling, strip clubs, alcohol trade in bars, and brothels. We follow the backroom politics and power struggles which characterised negotiations during this stylish, sexy era, and the investigations of authorities into Nucky's lavish lifestyle and illegal activities as Atlantic City turns into a mecca for those looking for thrills, danger and money. 














Boardwalk Empire (HBO)

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